Saturday, 25 January 2014

Why GNU/Linux is Important for Us?

The computers and their usage is not limited to mere PCs or servers today. They have surpassed every phase of our life. They run aircrafts, banks, offices, internet, satellites, armies, and lots of other things. This unfortunately allows some people to control and manipulate others using these very computers.

So, the question is: Why is Linux important for us? The answer is:

Government Espionage
No other factor could could come to my mind before this one. Government of almost every country that has internet using population is doing relentless espionage on its people to know what they are doing. This definitely hurts one's privacy. Government might say that it is only doing so for the safety of the same people but that's not right is it?

Yes! Technology IS your right! You have the right to blog, to post stuff on the internet that you feel posting is important, to know about and buy and use gadgets, machines, appliances that you thought were impossible before. You also have the right to eat the fruits of the hard work you contribute to the society that makes it possible for inventors to invent those things for you, for us!

Cyber Security
Today keeping yourself safe on the internet is much more difficult than it was before. A little lack of caution could get your system infected by a virus, trojan or worm that will start stealing your information and send it to its masters thousands of leagues away. This, however, is an issue with Windows OS especially because it's more virus-prone by nature (not my statement - it's a time proven fact). Alternative could be a Mac system. However, we all know that Macs are for filthy rich people who can afford to buy them. The last but best option would be the free and community supported Linux. Linux is safe from viruses because of it's naturally safe architecture.

Freedom is your birthright. Let not an OS take it away from you! The freedom to download, install and use free applications of different sorts is a part of it. Also, the freedom to not be compelled by the OS vendor to pay for upgrading to the next version of your OS (~cough~ Windows 7.. ~cough~ Windows 8 early release.. :). Freedom is also to be able to customize your OS to your heart's content to the extent of even modifying its very source code! Linux gives you that power!! :)

Linux was created by computer scientists, geeks and hackers and has all the tools inbuilt to make you an inventor. The only thing required is your determination to learn and give Linux a chance. In Windows you might find a bit more useful applications by paying (or by piracy of course). The famous inbuilt "man pages" that is a legacy of Unix is a marvel in the history of documentation and even without an internet connection you can get a fair idea of hundreds and thousands of command line and GUI tools at your disposal in Linux.

The Choices..
In Linux, given its openness and freedom, there are hundreds of thousands of varieties available for the interface, applications, tools, widgets, login screens, mouse pointers, etc. etc. There is a great factor of choice in the "flavours" of Linux as well -- there are so many like Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, Slackware, etc. All of these have the same "kernel" but their appearances and functionalities have been customised for different purposes/preferences. The choice is always yours.

The only legacy of FREE Unix
Linux is not a "derivative" of Unix like BSD but was inspired from it. BSD and other related "pure" Unix derivatives are free but the community and development circle is horribly fascistic! On the other hand GNU/Linux is more open and friendly towards criticisms and innovations and does not suppress any possible shortcomings it might have. They are simply patched especially because the source code is open to all and there are thousands of contributors and maintainers of it all around the world. Moreover, the different sub-communities of Linux (using different flavours like Debian, Ubuntu and Slackware) are not hostile to each other and cooperate to better each other. The Unix (I mean the FREE one) could be found in the real sense today in Linux only.

Check the ports!!
Network ports in a computer are basically points of communication between the system and the network it connects to. They are like portals through which the computer imports/exports data with respect to the external network/s it connects to. These ports, if open, can lead to hackers gaining access to your system and do bad things to your computer without you even knowing about it.. scared?? :D Don't be! because if you have Linux you can monitor each of the opened ports and nothing goes in or out without you seeing it. You can even block ports using simple apps like "gufw", Firestarter, etc. In Windows the inbuilt firewall sucks. The external ones are not free and also come bundled with so-called "internet security suites" having anti-virus solutions that eat up your system resources!

The Hacker Nation
Now, the last reason --- if you are a hacker you must use either Linux or Mac. Since Windows is closed source you never know what Microsoft has done with the OS or what info being sent to NSA or whatever espionage organizations! Also, in Windows you need to download hacking tools from the internet and need to open up connection limits and lots of trouble to port scan, etc. In Linux most tools are already available and others just a command away in the repositories. Only in the very basic or server-oriented Linux versions today you need to build from source code. No true hacker would say he does not like Linux because he/she knows that Linux was made for hackers/geeks. To point out -- Mac is Unix derived and so is much alike Linux -- but only very expensive and for the filthy rich :D

Okay.. I feel tired. But the above reasons are definitely what is already visible. Nothing to prove in them, you can already see the benefits before your eyes.

Please support GNU/Linux and help it grow! It is YOUR operating system so please make applications for it, endorse it, if possible even write code for its drivers and last but not the least -- fund Linux development with not mere money but your love and contributions.

Till then bye! :)

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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Best Windows Applications Series: Media Players

Windows has a plethora of applications for playing music and videos. Each of them have some or the other unique abilities. Here I list some of them:

Windows Media Player

Undoubtedly one of the oldest and "faithful" media players anyody has known since PCs became household items is our beloved Windows Media Player. It comes bundled with every modern version of Windows and can play audio and video alike. Definitely not a player I'd go crazy about but it was worthy enough to be mentioned.


The most popular and versatile of all media players available on Windows, Winamp stands out as a very unique one. With support for applying multiple amazing skins on the interface and being able to play podcats, etc., online music Winamp is also lightweight and comes free (the basic version ofcourse.. but the advanced proprietary version is an overkill of features anyway -- not required if you just want to play simple music).


Not good not bad -- this player has a loyal fan following for valid reasons. The design and functionality is very easy and smooth. The dark background offers a fine interface for disturbanceless video viewing. Though, definitely not great for playing music like other media players like Winamp -- KMPlayer is a smooth free alternative software that is rather small in size.

VLC Media Player

No media player list will be complete without mentioning this super-popular software. Available in both Windows and Linux this is the default software many Linux distros will provide. However, since we are speaking about Windows here, it is very easy to download and install this player. Again like the last player not very ideal for playing only music but yes very suited to play high quality videos. One of the most awesome features of VLC Media Player is to display subtitles from SRT files.

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema

The name might sound a bit "generic" but functionally this wonder of a media player can play numerous codecs. Similar to VLC Media Player in many ways, MPC is great for playing high quality videos.


The iTunes is - as the name suggests - is a media player for playing audio/video from iTunes. Apart from that definitely it could also play media files. The interface of iTunes 11 the latest one has been designed from the scratch and provides numerous new functionalities.


A very lightwight audio player that is extremely light on system resources. A machine with 256 MB memory and multiple simultaneous applications can also easily run this amazing player easily. However, all this comes at a price. The sound quality is rather mediocre and the interface looks like Windows 95! :D Jokes apart but it comes very handy when you are running a system bogged with applications but still want to play some music. Definitely Winamp and Windows Media Player are not going to be helpful in such situation.

This is a very limited list though and there are many players such as GOM Player, etc. But these players are known to be the most popular. Please suggest any more players in the comments box and I will include them in this list!

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