Saturday, 22 February 2014

How to Install Seamonkey in New Linux Versions

Seamonkey is a popular Internet Browser/Email Client/RSS Handler suite developed by Mozilla (Yes the same people who created Firefox! :) It is a stable trustworthy application that is available on Windows and OS X as well apart from Linux.

There have been many users of it since years back on Linux especially and it was natively available in Ubuntu PPA repository at least for quick install from Software Center. It has many users all over the world including me who were disappointed to find that the software was removed from Ubuntu repository while Ubuntu Server 12.04 was launched and is not available natively on further versions of it.

However, the good news is that it is available from its website here. You may download and extract it in your favourite folder and create links to the seamonkey script (and NOT the seamonkey-bin binary as many have been doing!) and use it once again! :D

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Thursday, 20 February 2014

Miniblog 2: How to make Multiline Comments in Perl


Perl programming language supports two kinds of comments. One is the single line comment that everybody knows about. It's made by prefixing a "#" symbol to any line like:

# This is a comment. This will not run

What many don't know is that there is a known way to make multi-line comments too. It can be done by adding a "=pod" before and "=cut" after the commented lines like:

This line has been commented and won't be interpreted
This line too
   Yes this line too!!
And this one as well is commented between the show pod-cut
Pod-Cut combos are for documentation comments but we can use 
 them for multi-line comments too
Enjoy! :)

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Why Windows Will ALWAYS Have Viruses..

Many people say that Windows has developed a lot since the days of Windows XP and given current security measures it is very difficult for a malware to infect it. But, surprisingly, the truth is the exact opposite. Windows will NEVER be free of Viruses.

Firstly, as this article points out -- if there are no viruses on a so extensively marketed and used OS as Windows then what would happen of the anti-malware giants like Norton and Symantec! Since, Windows is in a partnership with them it sometimes appears true that these very companies might be responsible for creating and releasing certain malware into the wild. This could be a serious accusation but the point is that I am just speculating and not accusing them of anything ;P

Secondly, Windows is a closed source OS developed and sold by a company fanatical for profit even at the cost of others. Whenever there is vulnerability detected in the OS Microsoft needs to patch it up with updates. They are often delayed and, unlike open source kernels like GNU/Linux, cannot be patched by anybody else.

Thirdly, it is suggested by some people that Microsoft appears to be itself putting malware in its OS by instructions from espionage organizations like NSA. While closed-source, yet there are ways to detect any incoming/outgoing packets from Windows using specialized tools. This could be another reason why malware could always be injected into Windows.

Fourthly, it is well-known that Microsoft allows some room for it to be hacked/patched at some points for piracy, etc., purposes. Now the question arises why would itself allow piracy and loose its profits in the market. The reason is the popularity and mass usage of Windows is also because of the amount of piracy it has faced. Windows would never have spread so much if it wasn't pirated worldwide on such a massive scale. One good evidence of this is Apple's Macintosh!

Hence, either you need to stay super-cautious while using Windows or you can move all/part of your jobs to Linux that is virus free by design :) Or else you can allow NSA to watch you change clothes through your computer's webcam ;P The choice is yours!

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Friday, 14 February 2014

Miniblog 1: Make Youtube Faster in Firefox

Some recent changes by Google in Youtube's way to serve the videos has affected both the download speed and loading times of the videos. For example the videos do not keep loading in the background while they are paused. Also, even if you change the quality of the video yourself, Youtube mischieviously (and without any notification/consent of any kind) changes the quality to lowest possible if you have a slower internet connection!

This sort of "trolling" is really very annoying and there are no replies whatsoever on the Google groups site from ANY Google representative on why this happens. Apparently, Google thinks you have a 100 Mbps internet connection and you only play 1080p videos without requiring any break for buffering :D

Considering, this ridiculous situation a Firefox addon developer YePpHa has created a marvelous extension called "Youtube Center" that is available here. This addon provides lots of customizations.

For example to make Youtube load videos in the background while paused do this: (a) Open this addon's preferences (b) Click the "Player" section and uncheck the "DASH Playback" option. There are many other customizations that I am sure you can find out after little tinkering with it :) So have fun!

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